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Our company was started in Vilnius in 1997. From the beginning company team was focused on knowledge. Company employees regularly traveled to manufacturers trainings. Proactivity of Labochema was recognized by clients and company every year broadened are of competences and offer. In this way Labochema today can proudly present themselves as laboratory supplier which can meet demand in different type of laboratory equipment, chemical reagents, laboratory wares and laboratory consumables, laboratory furniture, and implementing individual laboratory installation projects.

Today – Labochema is reliable supplier for laboratory with broad range of represented products and solutions, but it’s not the final destination. Company strives to become active partners in research activities not only by supplying products, but also by providing know-how with research methods and most effective ways of conducting researches. Labochema develops more effective ways for clients to obtain needed material for research. In this context Labochema is determined to become reliable partner for laboratory in nearest future.


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